Dr. Crisp is a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist in private practice in Houston. She serves on the faculty at Baylor College of Medicine as a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, where she teaches psychotherapy to Baylor psychiatry residents and to social work trainees from Menninger. She is on the faculty of the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston, which educates clinicians in advanced studies in psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalysis.
She completed her undergraduate education at Harvard University with a degree in History and Literature, and then attended Baylor College of Medicine for medical school and psychiatric residency. She pursued post-graduate training in psychoanalysis and graduated from the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston.
Her co-authored book (with Glen O. Gabbard), Narcissism and its Discontents: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Treatment Strategies with Narcissistic Patients, was published in April 2018. She previously co-authored Professionalism in Psychiatry and has also written papers on narcissism, the education of psychiatric residents, development of psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic identity, teaching boundaries and ethics, as well as boundary violations and mentalizing.